Arrival & Dismissal

Afterschool Dismissal

Students, who are assigned to an after-school program, must report immediately to their designated area. Please make arrangements for the prompt pickup of all students. Students who are not engaged in scheduled after-school activities are to leave the campus immediately after they are dismissed from school. They are not allowed to wait unsupervised until a parent gets off of work to pick them up. The early release of students causes disruption to the academic performance of all students and may create safety and security concerns. No students shall be released within the final 30 minutes of the school day unless authorized by the principal or principal’s designee (i.e., emergency, sickness).

Rainy Day Dismissal

Students should have a hooded raincoat/poncho available for use on rainy days. Instruct your child as to what procedures to follow on rainy days at dismissal time. During lightning storms, students will be kept in classrooms during dismissal until the storm ceases.

Arrival and Dismissal of Students

Parents are strongly encouraged to use the front of the school (lane area) for drop-off and pick up. For campus security reasons, walking parents must wait for their child at the overhang in front of the main office entrance. Walking parents need to be at the overhang at dismissal time.


Please do not enter staff parking lots to drop-off students. This endangers your child’s safety! Students should not be dropped-off in parking lots. Students are not to walk or ride their bicycles in the teachers’ parking lot.